Conduct Policies and Regulations

College policies and regulations are designed to protect the rights of all students and to support the purpose and aims of the institution. Students are responsible for learning and abiding by the policies and regulations.These policies and regulations are found in the following publications: Academic Catalog, Student Handbook,Academic Integrity at Roanoke College, and the Student Conduct Code of Roanoke College. A partial summary of the regulations is given here:

Academic Integrity
The College seeks to maintain the highest standards of intellectual scholarship and performance and works to promote honesty, integrity, and responsibility in all academic work.Violations of academic integrity (i.e., cheating, lying, plagiarizing, unauthorized use of an electronic device, impeding academic investigations, denying access to needed materials, etc.) are handled according to policies and procedures described in Academic Integrity at Roanoke College. Students need to be familiar with this booklet and pledge to follow the integrity guidelines.

Alcoholic Beverages
The College does not encourage the use of alcoholic beverages by students, nor does it condone the violation of applicable laws or College policies.The College respects the rights of students of legal age to consume alcoholic beverages in approved locations as long as they drink responsibly and adhere to applicable laws and College policies. Individuals who choose to consume alcoholic beverages, regardless of their age, are responsible for their behavior.The legal drinking age inVirginia is 21 years of age.The College seeks to educate students about alcohol use and abuse and provides information about assistance for those with a problem who seek help.The College reserves the right to limit or revoke the privilege of consuming alcohol on campus in the event that students do not drink responsibly.

Consideration for Others
Students are expected to observe and respect the rights of others, including the faculty and staff of Roanoke College who have a professional right to perform their duties without harassment or obstruction.The failure to do so, as defined in the Student Handbook, subjects the offender to disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion.

The possession, use, sale, or manufacturing of illegal drugs or paraphernalia which contains illegal drug residue, as well as the misuse of prescription drugs, is a violation of College policy and state law.Any student violating this policy may be subject to severe disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion. Law enforcement agencies are notified of drug- related criminal offenses occurring on campus and are given the names of those involved.The College seeks to educate students about substance use and abuse and provides information about assistance for those with a problem seeking help.

The College has a program aimed at preventing the illicit use of drugs and alcohol by students and employees in compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989.