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As you consider your options for college, you have an overwhelming amount of information to absorb. Below are a few thoughts about mathematics and Roanoke College. Our departmental pages give examples of the various activities that our students and faculty enjoy. Our students work hard, but other majors become best friends and the faculty become colleagues. Also, visit the RC mathematics page , or email me.

Mathematics is the best general purpose major to earn. (That's OK, my students laugh, too.) The reason is simple: the modern technical job market changes too rapidly for education to keep up. By the time you get to your technical job, the technology you learned in school will be obsolete. You will continually need to upgrade your skills and learn new systems. The top companies know this, and want to hire people who have proven thay can learn new skills. Mathematics demands a variety of learning skills. Math majors are strong computationally, handle abstractions well and are flexible and precise thinkers. In short, math majors are great learners, and highly marketable.

The math program at Roanoke College offers many advantages. Class sizes are small (5-15 for upper level classes). As one of Virginia's leaders in technology, we use Mathematica in most classes. The calculus lab uses Mathematica extensively to explore interesting applications and mathematical techniques that are new and technology dependent. Most math majors enhance their education with an internship and/or independent study. The college offers a strong summer research program and research positions are available starting in your first year! The department's recent graduates include Ph.D.'s in math, statistics, physics and chemical engineering; a graduate of Duke Law School; teachers at all levels; financial consultants; economic analysts; and a variety of other diverse jobs. A math degree from Roanoke College prepares you for success in almost any endeavor you're interested in!